Domande o prezzi ?
Delta Strumenti S.r.l. a socio unico
21036 Gemonio (Italy)
Via Mattei 6
+0039 0332 604667

Precipitation sensor

with analogue intensity output

  • New developed unit for the economical regulation of precipitation intensities basing on the proven maintenance-free optical technology.

    Range of application:
  • Facility protection
  • Artificial irrigation / Irrigation control
  • Control of intensity and quantity of precipitation events
  • Flood control measuring / Flood protection
  • Aquaplaning protection

The precipitation sensor serves as measuring instrument for the determination of the instantaneous precipitation intensities (mm precipitation / min.). By integration of the precipitation intensities, the precipitation quantity can be calculated, as well. Control- and warning signals can be derived from the precipitation intensity. The measuring signal output is an intensity-dependent analogue current value. The whole measurement range is divided into 4 linear characteristic segments, which shows a tenth of the slope of the more sensitive segment. Thus, it is possible to represent an intensity range from approx. 0,001mm/min. (light drizzle) up to 10 mm/min. (extremely heavy rain) with reasonable resolution (quasi-logarithmic output).


Technical Data:
Measuring Value Precipitation intensity
Measuring range 0 - 0,01 mm / min >> 4,0 - 8,0mA
0,01 - 0,1 mm / min >> 8,0 - 12,0 mA
0,1 - 1,0 mm / min >> 12,0 - 16,0 mA
1,0 - 10 mm / min >> 16,0 - 20,0 mA
Output constant current, depending on measuring value, between 4,0mA and 20,0mA
Active sensor surface 25 cm²
Minimum drop size 0,2 mm
Operating voltage 24 V AC/DC ± 15 %
Operating current approx. 90 mA
Heating current max. 1A
Ambient temperature -25 ... +55°C
Protection IP 65 acc. to DIN 40050
EMC Reference number
IEC 61000-6-2: 2005

IEC 61000-6-3: 2006

IEC 61010-1: 2001
Electromagnetic compatibility
Immunity for industrial environment
Electromagnetic compatibility
Emission standard for residential, commercial and light industrial environments
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use.
Part 1: General requirements
Weight 0,4 kg