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Delta Strumenti S.r.l. a socio unico
21036 Gemonio (Italy)
Via Mattei 6
+0039 0332 604667

Calibration climatic chamber K3-125 DFA

A premium alternative to humidity generators – we have extended our product offering with a 112 L chamber dedicated to calibration of environmental sensors & loggers.

Some dedicated highlights / features / specifications:

  • Superior temperature & humidity control and uniformity
  • Convenient– Side Access for Cables & Probes
  • World-class metrology performance
  • Mixed flow humidity control
  • Temperature range: – 5 °C…+ 60 °C
  • Relative humidity range: 5 %… 95 %
  • Temperature stability: better than ± 0.08 °C full range
  • Temperature uniformity better than ± 0.4 °C full range
  • Relative humidity stability: better than ± 0.5 % full range