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Delta Strumenti S.r.l. a socio unico
21036 Gemonio (Italy)
Via Mattei 6
+0039 0332 604667


These modules are used with HMI, PLC or SCADA via Modbus RTU protocol. IO Studio is its PC software for setting communication. Data Acquisition Studio is its PC software for DAQ purpose.

  • Portable
  • Modbus connectivity
  • Simple setup and easy handing
  • Upto 128 Module on RS485 network
  • Isolated modules avalible for special applications
  • Low-cost IO modules addition to existing PLC system
  • Standard software for module configuration and trouble shooting
  • Date acquisiton software for data storage and Real-time analysis on PC
  • IO modules used with the third party softwares via Modbus RTU Protocol
  • Interface with field devices to provide real-time data for SCADA / PLC / HMI
  • LEDs on every modules for digital IO status, communication and power supply
  • Different types of IO Modules AI, AO, DI, DO, RTD, Thermocouples are available
  • Direct reading of temperature without scaling by using RTD and Themocouple Modules