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Delta Strumenti S.r.l. a socio unico
21036 Gemonio (Italy)
Via Mattei 6
+0039 0332 604667


Proven primary pressure standard
Deadweight Tester / Pressure Balances are the most accurate instrument available on the market for the calibration of electronic or mechanical pressure measuring instruments. The direct measurement of the pressure (p = F / A), as well as the use of high-quality materials enable a very small measurement uncertainty, in conjunction with an excellent long-term stability of 5 years (recommended in accordance with German Calibration Service DKD/DAkkS).
The deadweight tester / pressure balance has therefore been used for years in factory and calibration laboratories in national institutes, research laboratories and in industry.

Stand-alone operation
Due to its integrated pressure generation and the pure mechanical measuring principle, the model LR-Cal LDW-HK is ideal for on-site use for maintenance and service.

Basic principle
Pressure is defined as the quotient of force and area. The core component of the model LR-Cal LDW-HK is therefore a very pecisely manufatured piston-cylinder-system, which is loaded with masses in order to generate the individual test points.
The masses applied are proportional to the target pressure and this is achieved through optimally graduated weights. As standard, these masses are manufactured to the standard gravity (9.80665 m/s²), though the can be manufactured to a specific location (gravity) and also UKAS (DAkkS)-calibrated.

Easy operation
The integrated dual-area spindle pump enables rapid filling of the test system and smooth pressure generation up to 1,200 bar. At the same time, the precise adjustable spindle pump also serves for fine pressure adjustment. A control schematic for pressure generation on the instrument base facilitates quick and easy operation.

As soon as the measuring system reaches equilibrium, there is a balance of forces between the pressure and the mass load applied. The excellent quality of the system ensures that this pressure remains stable over several minutes, so that the pressure value for comparative measurements can be read without any problems, or also so that more complex adjustments can be carried out on the item under test.

Compact instrument design
The LR-Cal LDW-HK is also particularly notable for its compact dimensions, which are not altered during operation, since the spindle runs within the pump body.
With its compact dimensions, the exceptionally robust ABS plastic housing and the low weight associated with these, the LR-Cal LDW-HK is also particularly suited to on-site applications.
