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Delta Strumenti S.r.l. a socio unico
21036 Gemonio (Italy)
Via Mattei 6
+0039 0332 604667

LSP 100-P

The Pressure comparison test pump LR-Cal LSP 100-P is used for generating pressure and vacuum for the testing, adjusting and calibration of mechanical and electronict pressure measuring instruments by means of comparison measurements. These pressure and vacuum tests can be carried out in laboratories, workshops or on site at the set measuring point.

When the device under test and a reference measuring instrument with an adequate accuracy are connected to the same pressure comparator, the same pressure will act on both measuring instruments after actuating the pump. A calibration or adjustment can be carried out by comparing the two measure values at any pressure or vacuum value.

In order to enable an accurate generation of the measuring points, the pressure comparison pump  LR-Cal LSP 100-P is provided with a fine adjustment valve.

This manual pressure pump uses ambient air as medium. Easy to use, no external pressure or vacuum source needed.
