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Delta Strumenti S.r.l. a socio unico
21036 Gemonio (Italy)
Via Mattei 6
+0039 0332 604667

Temperature-Sensor compact

Electrical measured value receiver to measure the ambient temperature.
The measured value is output as a resistance value in accordance with IEC 751 resp. as an analogue voltage or current signal.

Order No. 
2.1280.00. xxx
Electr. output Accuracy
Pt 100 ( IEC 751) 1/3 class B (± 0,1 K)
4 ... 20 mA ± 0,3 K
0 ... 10 V ± 0,2 K
  Measuring range - 30 ... + 70 °C
Time constant 20 s (90 %)
Ambient temp. - 40 ... + 80 °C
Operating voltage I-output 12 - 30 V DC
U-output (10 V) 24 V DC ± 10 %
Internal power consumption ca. 5 mA (10 V)
Cable 5 m
Dimension Ø 20 x 138 mm
Weight 0,35 kg